Dog Journal 20 - Surprise Bath Party


My pal had us outside for the games, letting us run around and do the fun stuff in the grass. I must have almost caught my tail like a bazillion times I was so excite. And my goodest buddy was sniffing all the things and finding nice spots to dig for treasure. It was a grand day out.

And then our pal decided to make the games even more interesting. Yes, she made the big bubbles that float through the air. I've never seen this before so my buddy had to explain... no sum up what they were. It was so much of a rarity that I had to know more.

I chased the big one through the yard as it floated in the wind, dancing all around until it popped. So interesting, It wasn't just one or a few though, there were many. My friend kept on making them and setting them free through the yard so we could chase them around.

The only problem I had was that they don't taste very good if you eat them. Mostly I just tried to bop them with my nose so they'd pop, letting me know I'd caught them. The first couple that I'd tried ended up making a funny taste in my mouth that sort of reminded me of the bath time. And this was no bath time… it was fun times.

It was so much fun to chase them through the yard, I don't know why we don't do this more often. It seems like such a great idea, why haven't we done this before. But my friend seemed a little nervous about such things. He wouldn't tell me why though. Maybe he didn't like they way they tasted or something. I told him not to eat them, but that wasn't the case. At least that's all he'd ruff about it.

I popped one and then another. This was great, in fact it was so great that I hadn't even noticed that our friend was up to something tricky. I was too busy playing and chasing the bubbles that I didn't notice the big bath-tub that was in the yard.

Oh yes, this was all a clever plan to give us the bath. I should have known from the start that my friend was trying to be sneaky about this. She'd let the chasing of the bubbles tire me out and distract me long enough so that scooping me up and dropping me in the water was easier than I'd planned to make it.

This is why the bubbles tasted like the bath... it was to get me all soapy for the scrubs. And now I'm too tired to resist! Ah, you may have won this time, but I'll be wise to your trickies next time. And as for my friend, I know why he was nervous about the whole thing now. He could have just told me, but now I've learned the hard way. This will only work this one time. Just once will I allow you to get away with this. Just once.


Dog Thoughts 90 - Guilty Party


Dog Thoughts 89 - Re-schedule