Dog Journal 14 - Missing Friend


Something wasn't right today, I just know it. Normally when I go out to play in the yard, the meow meow greets me with her meows. But not today. When I went outside to play, there was no one there. The birds were making the sounds and I could hear the leaves rustling, but no pouncey tail was waiting for me to chase it.

I ran my rounds through the yard to look for any clues. But even after questioning the squirrels (who were very uncooperative), I had discovered nothing new. No one had seen my friend at all. So I had no other choice but to report my findings to my goodest buddy. Hopefully he'll know what to do.

After explaining things to my friend, I discovered that he didn't understand a single woof I barked. So I had to show him what I meant. Once we'd walked around outside for a while, he too found that someone was missing. I heard him calling out, but my meowing friend never showed up.

So we went looking for her. It was a good time for a walkies anyways, the wind was breezy and the sun was cooling down already. A nice day to be out and about. Perhaps my friend is doing the same thing, you know, out for walkies or sniffing the flowers.

We went all around the houses and searched high and low. I looked under the bushes and peeked around every corner to see if my friend was hiding from us. My friend called out for her to stop hiding and come play with us. My friend even stopped one of the neighbor peoples to ask them if they'd seen any missing meow-meows. But there was no sign of her anywhere.

This was starting to get me really upset. Where's my friend? Where did she go? Is she having the fun without us or something? What if she found some other puppers to play with instead of me? I don't think she'd just leave us though, I'm way to fun. She loves me way too much, especially when I tackle her and chase her all around the yard after she bops my ears.

We eventually ended up back at home without finding any clues at all. My friend left her bowl outside full of food just in case she decided to come home later. It's her favorite food stuffs, not really my taste, but I do nibble some when I can. I'm not gonna mess with it this time so it'll be full when she shows up back home. I sure hope she comes back soon so we can play together again.


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