Dog Journal 13 - First Rainy Encounter


The water was deep, all over the place. Where my normal walking spot would be, yeah, that's under the water somewhere. And my ball I'd left out in the yard yesterday because I thought we'd come out here and play early this morning, well it's floating over there next to the bushes now. And between me and everything else is water far too deep and scary for a small puppy like me to navigate without a boat.

The rain stuff is driving me crazy, just dripping and dropping all over the place. And the most annoying part is that it's whapping me on the ears and nose. The only good thing is that it's not all soapy and suds like the bath is. It's just all wet and smelly. So many smells in fact that my little nose is tickling me into the sneezes and I can't focus on a single scent.

While my sneezes are keeping my nose busy, the cold drops are hitting my head which only chills me down to my tail. So not only are my paws all cold and wet, but my head is soaked too. It's like I'm taking the bath, only it's not the bath times. Perhaps my friend has tricked me somehow and it's bath time outside where the playstuffs are supposed to be. Yes, the old swappahroo trickies.

It was annoying at first, but now it's just getting on my last nerve. The wet dropps are getting in my ears! My eye even got splattered too and everything is all fuzzy. I'm being attacked by the rain! This is unacceptable, the rain can't get away with this.

But to my dismay, I have found that this is a one-way battle. All my swipes and super fast wiggles can't get me away from the rain. Even when I try to bite at it, all I get is a taste of the rain and another drop takes it's place. How does one deal with this? If I can't bite it to teach it a lesson, how is it ever going to learn not to touch my tail?

Fortunately my friend has the shield. It's the only thing that can withstand such cold drops of water splashing my ears and tail. I sort of wish she'd gotten it out sooner, but this will do. The big cover whooped up and opened into a nice little cover to keep us from being attacked by the rain.

So now that we've got our heads covered, what are we gonna do about all these huge puddles everywhere? Maybe if we get a huge ball, we could sit on it and use it to float across. Yes, that's what I'll ask my friend to get me next. I remember seeing one at the store but it was too big for me to carry. But I'll bet it can carry a small pupper like me!


Dog Thoughts 56 - Redirected


Dog Thoughts 55 - Puppy Teamwork