Dante Adventure - The Stare Down


Gracie was watering her new plants that she'd found outside. It's a little odd that she'd bring such things inside, but she seems to think that they're pets or something. I've never heard of a plant being a "good boy" or barking in the middle of the night or any sort of fun things. It just sits there and drinks water. Sort of a boring pet in my opinion.

Skipper got to sniff one and I inspected the other, at least until someone tried to eat theirs. I don't know why he'd do such a thing, but now we're no longer allowed to be around them. I guess that's alright, they really aren't that interesting anyway. At least not for us. But Gracie likes them and I guess that counts for something.

It wasn't until Gracie had left the plants on the counter that I noticed the window over the sink was currently occupied. I'm not too sure how long we'd had the company and I don't think anyone else had spotted the watcher except for me. This proves my point even more that the plants were very lazy indeed and did little to keep our home protected.

"What do you think you're doing?" I barked at the cat.

Skipper backed me up on the barks while the mysterious cat just watched us curiously through the window. I despise that look of calm that cats get when they know you can't chase them. If it wasn't for that window in the way and the rather far distance between the floor and the counter, I'm sure we could give it a good chase.

"You better not eat Gracie's plants!" Skipper barked some more.

"Yeah, those aren't for you!" I growled.

"Mine, mine, mine!" Skipper yipped.

Gracie even tried waving the cat to leave it's perch, but it wasn't working. In fact, another cat had also joined the first one. This was getting a little out of hand, now there are two of them. We barked some more while Gracie went off to find something to scare them with.

Nothing we tried was working, and in fact, there was another that had joined their staring game. This was getting out of paw now. What were we supposed to do? What if this crazy cat gang tries to get in here and shred all the curtains? Or maybe they'll take up all our beds so we'd have to sleep on the floor? So many dangers when you have this many cat just waiting around to do some mischievous thing.

Eventually Skipper got tired of barking and just sat at watch with me. There was no way I was leaving that window alone with a bunch of cats staring in at us and plotting some unknown plan to take over everything. This was super boring, but it's our job to make sure all the things in our home stay safe, especially from roving gangs of cats.

When I woke up from my very short nap, the window was clear. The cats had gone? Skipper had zonked out too, so there's no telling where the wiley cats had gone off to. Perhaps they had gotten bored as well, or maybe they'd decided that we were doing too good of a job at our job. As long as they hadn't gotten in here, we were fine.

All was clear, nothing behind the sofa or hiding in the curtains. Looks like our long watch had paid off and the cats had gone elsewhere to dispatch their mischief. After much congratulations to one another, Skipper and I enjoyed a good game of tugging battles.

That's when we heard the singing. It wasn't the good sort, not mine or even Gracie's song. It was cats, a quartet of cats just singing songs somewhere beyond the walls of our home. And there was no way to turn them off and they weren't taking requests either. Now I know what they were doing, they were making sure they had a captive audience... and indeed they do.


Dog Thoughts 3 - Snuggle Alert


Nixi Adventure - Overdressed Occasion