Dog Journal 3 - Gone Shopping


Wow! What a cool thing we got to do today! My pal has taken me to the shopping store to see all the neat things and peoples. My good buddy has told me about this place, but I've never been able to see it for myself. But now, now is the day. Finally, I have seen it, and it is so cool.

My pal carried me around at first because he knows I don't like going through the doors. I'm always scared that the door will try to get my tail so I have my pal carry me through just in case. But once we were past the sliding doors, I was off on my own, dragging my pal behind me.

There was so much stuff, I even got to see the fishies in the water bowls. I don't know why they put them in the water, maybe it's a special flavor. I didn't get to taste any of them though. Then there were birdies that made the squeaks, but I couldn't find any ducks for us to take home. I did find some really funny mice thingies though, these ones just kept running inside of little wheels. I sure wish I had one of those. The wheels I mean.

Then we got to check out the spot with all the toys. There were so many of them I couldn't decide which one I should play with first. There were balls roped to bigger balls, ones that bounce and ones that squeak. There was a bunch of fluffy toys, dinos and dragons and squeaky snakes and an octopus.

I decided to grab the one with the really long neck and big squeaky body. This would be perfect for whapping against all the things and then I could play tugging wars with my buddy too. And then when we were done, I can take the squeaky and fluffies out and throw them all over the floor.

After squeaking the dino to make sure it worked right, I took it to the next spot where all the beds were. Yeah, so many fluffy beds around. One of these might be nice too. A big one, bigger than the one my buddy has. Yeah, and then I can jump on it whenever I want to and no one can tell me to stop.

The one with the big fluffies all over it tickled my ears too much, so I settled for the big one with the fuzzy sides that felt like a nice blanket. I could completely stretch out on it and roll around with my toy. Perfect, I need this one too.

But I could only take one with me. I can't carry both my toy and this bed and my pal wasn't going to help me. I had to chose which one to take with me. It was a hard choice, a little too difficult for me to make. So I decided to take both anyway.

I put my dino in the bed and dragged the bed along with us. Yes, I guess I can have my pup-cake and eat it too if you're smart like me.


Dog Thoughts 7 - Expected Call


Dog Thoughts 6 - Teamwork Puppies