Dante Adventure - Play With Me


"How dare you call me a little froggy!" Skipper yipped in my face.

I know I called him a tiny doggy, but he's utterly convinced that I have in some way insulted him. It's been like this for a while now, him just running circles around me and trying to get me to wrestle with him. Honestly, I think he thinks this is the best way to get me to finally play with him. But it won't work. Nope, I'm gonna take a nap even if it takes me all day.

My tail was being nibbled again and I had no choice but to snarl at him. Just a good snarl which is enough to scare him away long enough to tuck my tail back under me where I can keep an eye on it. The nibbling didn't stop there though, my paws were next and before long it was the ears too. A playful tug here and there, just enough to annoy me into playing his game. I won't though.

"I won't play your little game," I growled and rolled over to a new position.

"Naw, you gonna fight me so we can see who the real froggy is around here!"

It wasn't a fight he wanted, just for me to chase him around the room and do the battles. This wasn't a new trick, just the same old one that he's tried ever since he was a puppy. It may or may not have worked a few times, but this time nothing will work on me. No sneaky tactics, no amount of nibbles, and absolutely no name calling will get me to quit my nap.

Then it started. Since I wasn't giving in to his demands, Skipper was pouncing on me now. I'd managed to hide my paws in the sofa cushions and my tail was protected as well, so now he's got no other choice but to bounce around like a little froggy. Yes, you heard it right, he's just like a little froggy. And I told him that too.

"Oh you're gonna really get it now!"

The pounces were a lot heavier than when he was just a tiny puppy. Now he's a big chunky froggy with a bunny tail and floppy ears, so that extra weight seems to be well thrown around. I could feel myself sink deeper into the sofa each time he landed, making it a little harder to nap than I had originally planned.

Finally I had to stop this. There was no way I was going to get to sleep if he keeps this up. I had no other choice but to resort to my oldest trick I've got stashed under the bed. I hopped up in my super-alert position and began to bark at the window. I barked like there was no greater emergency around that demanded attention. And my little friend fell for it.

The alarm continued as my friend's little paws scrambled back and forth through the room, barking at something he couldn't see beyond the window. There's nothing there, I already know. But he can't resist sounding the alert. And it did keep him busy for a while, just long enough for me to begin to doze off.

And then it happened. Gracie walked right in and scooped me out of my spot and out of my slumber. Then to make it even tougher on me, she demanded that Skipper stop barking and come sit with us on the sofa... which he did and got right to telling on me that I had called him a little froggy and that I won't play with him and that I smell funny. All the things, which of course Gracie can understand none of it. It doesn't matter though. All that matters is me getting my nap. I need it.

But I'm not gonna get it. Nope. Now Gracie wants to play too, which is why I'm getting bopped with Skipper's new toy, a squeaky big froggy, just like him It even squeaks like him when he's snoring. And I told him that too. Yuppers, I sure did. Might as well, not gonna get any naps today anyway.


Dog Thoughts 75 - Safezone


Dog Thoughts 74 - Doggy Attire