Rocky Adventure - Wild Thing

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Today was a fantastic day for going to the park and doing all the playstuffs. In fact, I'm pretty sure this is the first time my young shadow has even gotten to come here. There are so many things to show him and secrets to sniff out that I'm pretty sure he's going to go a little crazy.

And I was right, my young friend emerged from the car and started chasing his tail and doing loops and yipping and barking. All the good stuff that a puppy can think of doing. He was doing it all at the same time, or a least as much as his tail can handle.

The old man led us along the fence where we could see all the other doggies playing, building up the anticipation. Finally we'd made it to the gate, and by that time my young friend was all wound up and ready to go berserk.

The gate was opened and we were released to go, run, play with all the other doggies. Which we did. There were a bunch of others out here, most of them playing the games while a few others ran and chased the ball or just chased their own tails. Everyone appeared to be having fun, so we helped out.

We ran with some of the other doggies that wanted to play the chase and do the tag thing. It was great, I'm pretty good at racing away, but my young shadow is super good at catching. That's probably from all the practice he has at home trying to get me when we play.

That was when some dog started picking on my young friend. I heard it all the way from across the park despite all the barking and yipping and ruff-housing going on around me. I am fine-tuned to this sort of thing. I don't know why, but this strange dog barked super mean at my little buddy and told him to get out of the park. That was enough playtime for me, I had to do something about this.

"Hey!" I growled racing over to them, "Who do you think you are?"

"You don't worry about that, mister nosy," this dog retorted.

"Oh it's got me worried," I ruffed back, "This is MY buddy."

"Well then you both can leave MY park," this goofy doggy barked at me.

So I fluffed up all my fur and went crazy and spazzed and barked like I was gonna transform into the were-doggy. I can't even remember the last time I had to do this, maybe when the squirrels had tagged up on me and were stealing all the tomatoes. Whatever it is that I do, it has always thrown everyone around me into utter confusion. This leaves them with only one away or get eaten by the were-doggy. At least that's how the old story goes... right?

Well, it does work, not the transforming part. Just the confusion and running away. The strange doggy found me to be far stranger than he, at which point he ran away to find his friend or something. I hope he does, it's better for him if he can't get along with the others if he just hangs out with his friend instead. We don't need any ruffians around here. This is the fun park, and if anyone wants to be mean, they can go down to the grumpy park where all the pigeons hang out.

"Wow," my shadow woofed when all was barked and done, "that was cool."

"Oh yes," I nodded and licked away my slobber that had drooled out everywhere. "It is a small talent."

"Will you teach me this trick?"

"Perhaps," I thought about it, "Someday, my young friend...someday. But today, we shall simply play."


Dog Thoughts 107 - Fancy Dinner


Dog Thoughts 106 - Doggy Interruptions